miércoles, 15 de septiembre de 2010

La independencia en facebook

En Mèxico estamos de fiesta celebrando la independencia y en internet circula una imagen de la pagina del padre de la patria Don Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla personalmente me parece muy divertida la combinacion de lo actual con la historia espero la disfruten

Clik sobre la imagen para que se haga grande

Viva México 200 de independencia y 100 de revolución

La independencia es la situación de un país o nación que no está sometido a la autoridad de otro.

Como concepto político apareció con la Declaración de Independencia de los Estados Unidos en 1776[1] como respuesta al colonialismo europeo y se extendió con las declaraciones de independencia de los países latinoamericanos dependientes del Imperio español en la Guerra de Independencia Hispanoamericana (1809-1824). Más adelante el concepto se relacionó estrechamente con el principio de no intervención y el derecho de autodeterminación de los pueblos.

La independencia se distingue de la autonomía. La autonomía es un régimen de descentralización del poder, en el cual ciertos territorios o comunidades integrantes de un país, gozan de algunas facultades ejecutivas, legislativas y judiciales, en ciertas materias, o competencias, que quedan así fuera del alcance del gobierno central.

jueves, 9 de septiembre de 2010



- Cual es el problema Eva??

Pues se que me has creado, me diste este hermoso jardín, un bello cuerpo, toda mi gracia, inteligencia, amor, ternura, este sexto sentido maravilloso, los hermosos animales que me rodean,... pero discúlpame, no soy del todo feliz... como que me falta algo.

- Como es eso Eva?

- Pues estoy sola, harta de comer manzanas y correr alegremente por el paraiso con mis piecesitos desccalzos y bonitos...

- Creo que tengo la solución... crearé un hombre para tí !

- Que es eso ???

- Es una criatura toootalmente imperfecta...! maniático, mentiroso, tramposo, rencoroso, engreído, en fin... te va a dar problemas. Pero será fuerte y mas rápido que tú; le gustará cazar y maltratar a los animales que ahora te rodean solo para divertirse. Tendrá un aspecto simplón, vulgar y prosaico, con muy poco cerebro, no dará explicaciones ni se complicará, algunas veces será grosero y altanero, pero estará preparado para el trabajo duro, será pagado de sí, con muchas actitudes de niño tales como pegarse, dar patadas al aire y en un futuro inventará un juego que maltratará tu hermoso jardín y le absorberá gran parte de su tiempo...

Pero como te estas quejando de tu soledad y tu aburrimiento, le crearé una sola virtud de tal forma que satisfaga tus... eh... necesidades.

Pero eso sí: tendrás que halagarle, reírle sus pendejadas, valorar sus aptitudes, hacerle creer que es el mejor, que satisface tus necesidades maravillosamente... podrás ser hipócrita con el, porque como ya te he dicho, será muuuy simple y se creerá tooodo lo que tu le digas.

Necesitará siempre de tu consejo para actuar correctamente y tendrás que estar muuuy al pendiente de él para que no se despiste.

- Parece difícil Señor, pero está bien, dijo Eva sonriendo irónicamente.

- cuando tendré al hombre en mi paraíso?...

- Pues te lo voy a crear... pero con una condición !...

- Cual Señor?

- Como será envidioso, rencoroso, vanidoso, arrogante, egocéntrico, narcisista, falso, machista, insufrible, celoso, cabrón y muuuy mamón...

tendrás que hacerle creer que lo hice a él primero !!...


miércoles, 8 de septiembre de 2010

martes, 7 de septiembre de 2010

Everybody's Changing

So little time
Try to understand that I'm
Trying to make a move just to stay in the game
I try to stay awake and remember my name
But everybody's changing
And I don't feel the same

Hay dias en que una cancion encaja perfectamente con mi dia y dice lo que mi mente intenta, hoy con esta cancion reafirmo esta creencia.


You say you wander your own land
But when I think about it
I don't see how you can

You're aching, you're breaking
And I can see the pain in your eyes
Says everybody's changing
And I don't know why

So little time
Try to understand that I'm
Trying to make a move just to stay in the game
I try to stay awake and remember my name
But everybody's changing
And I don't feel the same

You're gone from here
Soon you will disappear
Fading into beautiful light
'Cause everybody's changing
And I don't feel right

So little time
Try to understand that I'm
Trying to make a move just to stay in the game
I try to stay awake and remember my name
But everybody's changing
And I don't feel the same

So little time
Try to understand that I'm
Trying to make a move just to stay in the game
I try to stay awake and remember my name
But everybody's changing
And I don't feel the same

Everybody's changing
And I don't feel the same

Algunos comentarios desde la pagina en donde tome la letra

Amazing Song. | Reviewer: Anonymous | 8/23/10

I Love This Song.
The Lyrics are so helpful and make so much sense to me right now, they seem to fit in perfectly with my life.
That mean to me that everyone around me is changing and I don't want to change, I just want to be me as I am today, but gradually I am changing as is everyone else and the world, but I have to deal with it, move on with my life and mature, but also make sure I remember who I am and what's important to me.
My life is going really well at the moment, but it wasn't always, this time last year I was in a real rough, hard place, a really bad part of my life and now it's so good, so change can be a good thing, but right now for me, it doesn't seem like it as my life's going so well i don't want it to change.
Hopefully life'll grow in a good way for me and I'll remember my roots and I'll always have this song to remind me of that.

try to understand that i'm | Reviewer: rosh | 7/7/10

i love this song. i miss my past. for things to change i must change first.that is what i learn from this song..every morning i have to listen to 'everybody's changing'.if not..my spirit is lost.what a beautiful song!!

It's so me!! | Reviewer: Donna | 7/4/10

Love this song so much, It is really reflected my life. Everyone I know has changed in good ways but not to me..I failed in my school, career, and love life, but I have to accept it and just try my best to do better in able to live my life to the fullest

Trueness | Reviewer: Anonymous | 3/10/10

So little time
Try to understand that I'm
Trying to make a move just to stay in the game
I try to stay awake and remember my name
But everybody's changing
And I don't feel the same.

Applies to my life right now

sad and truthful song | Reviewer: Liam1224 | 3/5/10

I interpret it to mean that everybody's changing and because the world around you is changing you don't feel like your the same person any more. And you try to remember who you are and your identity "try to keep away and remember my name" and try to keep up with the changing world and adapt to changes in your life "try to make a move just to stay in the game" but everything is changing and things dont feel right and your changing too. Sometimes we are happy for change, sometimes it can be confusing to us "you're aching, you're braking...". In any case, this is a sad and beautiful song.

difference | Reviewer: Mila | 2/16/10

It's been a long time I didn't listen to this song. when I listened to this song again yesterday, I just enjoyed its melody without really care about the lyric. But then today I look for its lyric and try to understand the meaning. ugh it feels like there's something that stabbed me precisely at the bottom of my heart. It's really what's happening to me. especially from this part:

So little time
Try to understand that I'm
Trying to make a move just to stay in the game
I try to stay awake and remember my name
But everybody's changing
And I don't feel the same.

as we know, the day has passed by so fast. that's why, no matter what happened, we must face this world, face towards the reality that you have been walking on. just like me. people around me (esp my family) have been changing so far. My mom, dad, it just feels like I don't know them anymore. they have had a new life. when I close my eyes, I just want my life to be the same just like it used to be. I want to survive, even though everybody and everything is changing. I just realized, if everybody and everything is changing, why don't I change myself too? why don't I change my thought too? why don't I change my life too?
someone ever said to me, "If u have a problem, change yourself. If that's the problem, close your eyes, shut your mouth, and live like a hermit."
Simple, but I still can remember the way he said that words. Well, actually, he is the one who has changed me. For him, arigatou gozaimasu..

Sara-honor | Reviewer: Sara | 2/8/10

This song reflects the truth about life. Nothing remains constant, everybody's changing and it will always happen, we have to accept it, whether we are happy or not...But who says that the changes cannot be good, there is always a good reason for changes, that is meant to be...

so true | Reviewer: Anonymous | 10/31/09

Change is tough,especially since it's so hard for me to adapt to changes,but change is inevitable.You can either go with the flow or swim against the current.This song helped me understand this,change is the one constant in life,which we all face.